For almost three years, Shit Present front person Iona Cairns struggled to write a song. It was the result of a hospitalisation, and coming to terms with her mental health issues, and while Cairns was in a much healthier place, she felt as if she couldn’t return to the person she was before. Then, without any epiphany or grand catalyst, Cairns picked up the guitar again and began writing what would become their first full-length album ‘What Still Gets Me’. The album deals with weighty emotions, but it’s not about helplessness or intimidation. Through Cairns’ exorcising vocal delivery and the band’s relentless sonic arrangements, there’s a kind of rebirth that announces she is not a victim of herself nor anyone else. It’s a surrender to the feelings that make us uncomfortable, pushing them to the forefront instead of hiding them behind a curtain. By owning the messy, ever-changing landscape of our interior worlds, Shit Present offers up a collection where we can find solace in even our darkest, scariest moments.
1 Cram The Page
2 Fuck It
3 Voice In Your Head
4 More To Lose
5 Unravelling
6 The Pain
7 Way I'd Like
8 What Still Gets Me
9 Crossed The Line
10 Beyond Tonight
11 Too Into It
12 Ever After
13 Talking About The Rain
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Shit Present - What Still Gets Me
Release Date
Record Label
Specialist Subject Records